
Posts Tagged ‘PLatinum Mastermind’

I am so sorry that I haven’t been posting in a while. The last few weeks have truly been crazy. I have been traveling a lot and attending some interesting seminars that I will be telling you about over the next few blog posts. I was in Galveston for a earth-shift meditation, Las Vegas for a self-improvement seminar called Experience the Reality of Success (ERS), Los Angeles for Ali Brown’s Platinum Mastermind group session and New York for my seminary class over the last three weeks.

I am now back home and trying to get caught up at work. Someone else subbed for me while I was gone, and then the customer’s mother died and she is not there this week. So, getting updated and figuring out where we are and what we need to be doing next is a bit challenging to say the least!

So, start checking back here every day for the updates of what I’ve been up to! Lots of stuff is going on! I will also have some book reviews in there since that’s what I was doing on all those flights back and forth across the country!

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