
Archive for April, 2009

While I was in Las Vegas I had the immense pleasure of being able to attend Cirque de Soleil’s performance of “O”.

I had never attended any of the Cirque de Soleils, but had always wanted to. I knew that this was a good opportunity to see one especially since “O” is not a traveling show. It is permanently situated in Las Vegas. This is because part of the show is done in the water and so a special stage has been created for it.


This show was like being transported into a dream world of theater. The music has an afro-cuban world beat sound to it and the costumes were colorful and gorgeous. Apparently each one costs about $10,000 and they last for about 20 shows. All of the entertainers are SCUBA certified.

There were flying ships and amazing dives, synchronized swimming and gymnastics. It was truly a breathtaking spectacle. I sat on the front row and actually received a flower from one of the characters in the show. How Cool! However, I think I would recommend sitting a little bit higher so that you can get a better view of the synchronized swimming. I was on their level, so I could only see heads, feet and hands poking up.


All in all, it was an amazing show full of colors, sound and incredible talent – next time you are in Vegas be sure to see this one!

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Wow! What an experience this was. The week of March 23rd I attended David Neagle’s seminar entitled Experience the Reality of Success, or ERS for short. It took place in Las Vegas at Caesar’s Palace.

This seminar was like being in a massive session of intense group therapy for four very full days. We were stretched to our emotional, physical and spiritual limits. David’s information comes mostly from Wallace Wattles, Thomas Troward, A Course in Miracles , and his own life experience thrown in.

If you are familiar with any of these you will have some idea of the content – basically a lot of stuff about changing your thoughts and beliefs in order to change your reality. The difference with this seminar and most is the focus on EXPERIENCE. Hence, the name “Experience the Reality of Success”. There were a lot of exercises that we had to do that really challenged some of our belief systems.

I also met some very cool people there and due to the intenseness of the seminar, really felt like I bonded with some of them. I think that I have probably made some life-long friends there. I also met my next business partner there. I won’t say too much about this except that we met “by chance” (I don’t believe it was chance at all, but the hand of the Divine was definitely involved). We connected and discovered we both had the same Vision and idea for a potential business. Since then we have started working together on it. I will tell you more when there’s more to tell.

One thing I took away from the seminar that I will pass on to you is that the difference between success and failure is very slim. Basically if you can see the negative of something, that means that the opposite of it is right there. David used a piece of paper as an example of this. If one side is the result you don’t want, the other side represents what you do want – just turn it over! Of course, it is our belief systems that sometimes prevent us from doing that.

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So, the weekend of March 20th – 22nd I was in Galveston, TX attending the “Return of the Dove” Cosmic trigger event at the Moody Garden Pyramid complex. Now this stuff we were doing is probably a little bit “woo-woo” and “out-there” for some of you.

Basically, most of you may be familiar with Sedona, AZ and the idea that there is vortex of energy at that site. There are also several other “sacred” sites all over the world in which the energy vibrations there are stronger so to speak. Many of these site are being triggered and vibrating at higher rates as we get closer to the year 2012 – the end of the Mayan calendar. I will not get into the nitty-gritty of all of this stuff right now because it could take books to get it all out – and there are plenty of those available. Just go to Amazon and search for 2012 or Mayan calendar and you will find all sorts of things there.

I am really oversimplifying this, but as it turns out, Galveston is one of these energy sites and it happens to be on the same latitude as the pyramids in Giza – we were doing a meditation to activate the energy there and its connection with Giza. Whether or not you believe all this stuff doesn’t really matter. For me it was a really cool experience and I got to meet some wonderful people in the metaphysical community. People traveled from all over the world to be here for this event. We got to do the meditation in the Blue Pyramid and it was a wonderful energy and feeling that evening. That is the pyramid that contains the aquarium.


If you are interested in reading more about this event you can click here (Earth-Keeper) and read all about it.

The idea behind the meditations is that we as residents of the earth need to also raise our vibrations to be ready for the “new earth” – the consciousness is rising rapidly. For those of us who keep up with it, the world will be a place where the lower energies of fear, envy, hate, etc. don’t affect us. Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it?

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I am so sorry that I haven’t been posting in a while. The last few weeks have truly been crazy. I have been traveling a lot and attending some interesting seminars that I will be telling you about over the next few blog posts. I was in Galveston for a earth-shift meditation, Las Vegas for a self-improvement seminar called Experience the Reality of Success (ERS), Los Angeles for Ali Brown’s Platinum Mastermind group session and New York for my seminary class over the last three weeks.

I am now back home and trying to get caught up at work. Someone else subbed for me while I was gone, and then the customer’s mother died and she is not there this week. So, getting updated and figuring out where we are and what we need to be doing next is a bit challenging to say the least!

So, start checking back here every day for the updates of what I’ve been up to! Lots of stuff is going on! I will also have some book reviews in there since that’s what I was doing on all those flights back and forth across the country!

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