
Posts Tagged ‘personal finances’

Well, I have taken stock of my current situation and find myself in a surprising place. My house is completely cluttered. This resulted when I was spending most of my time in Minneapolis and my daughter, son-in-law and ex-stepson were all living in my house. I had to rearrange all my things to make room for them. When I came back, I had additional household items that I had purchased in the Twin Cities. However, there is no room for them here because I really need to clean out other unwanted stuff first. So almost every room has to be cleaned out and reorganized. My garage is still holding items that belong to my former houseguests!

Second, I am the fattest I have ever been in my entire life. I am 39 pounds OVER the weight I was when I delivered my daughter (that’s 39 pounds over 9-months pregnant weight!) My skin is broken out in a rash on my chest and one calf – I am sure this is entirely a result of stress. I am stressed because I am working a full-time job and trying to start up a small business. I am also attending seminary to become and ordained interfaith minister – all of these things take up time and I am spread thin amongst them all.

Third, the company I work for has been having cash flow problems and the last three months they have pushed back our paydate. This along with a 25% paycut at the beginning of this year has put me in a position I never thought I’d see again. I had been spending without really thinking much about it and unfortunately continued to do so after the paycut. I now realize I have gotten back into debt and have made a huge dent in savings. This is also adding to my stress!

However, like Scarlett O’Hara, I will not let myself get down about this – tomorrow is another day. Actually, I am quite excited because I am starting a 90 day program of my own design to get me from here to where I want to be. I think this program could eventually become a product/service I can deliver in my coaching business. As Film Producer Mike Todd said, “I’ve never been poor, but I have been broke.” Broke is a temporary situation; poor is a state of mind. I am definitely not poor! It’s all in your attitude no matter your situation.

So, yesterday was Day 1 – I took stock of my checking and savings balances and debt balances. I also created a vision of the life I would love. I then created a spending plan. I am now working on a project plan to get me from the current situation to a new situation in 90 days which will be a step on the road to my ultimate dream life. I looked at my outflow and cut back on some expenses. I also called in some money that was owed to me. I even found 7 bucks and some change in a wallet I haven’t used in a while! It just goes to show that with the right intention and positive thought, God provides what you need to you.

So, today I didn’t change my financial situation much and I definitely didn’t change my stress – I worked on work stuff for 14 hours and didn’t exercise. But I am getting some of the clutter under control so that should help me get my mind clearer as well to determine the best time to schedule some of the things I need to do daily. The plan is to make small improvements daily – I’ll let you know how it goes!

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